Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Keep a Child Alive

Keep a Child Alive, a nonprofit dedicated to providing lifesaving medicine & surrounding care to children & families
affected by HIV/AIDS in Africa & India. It is beautiful work - you can see here: http://keepachildalive.org/our-work/

The organization was co-founded by Alicia Keys and Leigh Blake (AIDS Activist and one of the creators of Red, Hot & Blue). Each year we
have this amazing gala The Black Ball in NY & London. View it here: http://keepachildalive.org/the-black-ball/

We have a new campaign which you may have seen on t.v. in December. It coincided with World AIDs Day.  You can see the new Buy Life campaign here. http://buylife.org 

I am writing about our work to you, because we are trying to spread awareness about our work by having people who have fan followings wear our t-shirts. There are two t-shirts representing two different campaigns. There is the Buy Life, barcode t-shirt: https://secure3.convio.net/kca/site/Ecommerce/7268792?VIEW_PRODUCT=true&product_id=1421&store_id=1561

or the Drug Dealer t-shirt: https://secure3.convio.net/kca/site/Ecommerce/399779881?VIEW_PRODUCT=true&product_id=1321&store_id=1561 (the back of this t-shirt reads: A $1 a day buys the drugs that Keep a Child Alive).

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